Monday, June 18, 2012

Brunei - Mangoes With Sticky Rice

Mangoes With Sticky Rice


-       1 cup Coconut cream
-       4 tablespoons Sugar
-       1 teaspoon Salt
-       4 Ripe mangoes
-       3 cups Sticky coconut rice


-       Mix the coconut cream with the sugar and salt, and bring to a boil.
-       Simmer for a few minutes, stirring occasionally.
-       Peel the mangoes and slice them, removing the stones.
-       Arrange the mangoes on individual plates with rice beside them.
-       Spoon the sauce over the rice.


-       Coconut rice can be prepared with another ordinary or sticky rice, depending on what sort of dish it is to be served with.
-       If using sticky rice, soak it first in plenty of water for at least two hours, but preferably overnight
-       If prepared with ordinary rice, serve with Salted Sun-Dried Beef (Nua Dad Diao) or other savoury dishes. Sticky coconut rice is delicious with mangoes.
-       2 cups rice 2 cups water 1 cup coconut cream Salt Rinse and drain the rice and put into a pan with the water, coconut cream and salt.
-       Mix well Bring to the boil over medium heat.
-       Reduce the heat and cover.
-       Simmer for 10 minutes.
-       When all the liquid has been absorbed, cook for a few more minutes over low heat.
-       The resulting slight burning of the rice at the bottom of the pan gives extra flavour to this dish.

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